Saturday, August 1, 2009
Poverty and Hunger in America...and the World
I woke up this moring about 5a because my sister sent a blackberry messenge to my blackberry. After responding I really couldnt go back to sleep and my focus turned to the program that was on tv. A special on Feed the Children was on. There were some really sad stories about children in third world countries who survive on literally nothing a day. How these children are victims of their circumstances; victims of civil wars; victims of abandonment and death. Yes it is sad to hear the stories of these young lives but what about the children suffering the same fates in America??!! There are young girls who at the ages of seven, eight, nine, and beyond have to sell their bodies just to get another meal, just to get their next drug "fix." There are young boys here running the streets, killing, robbing and shooting innocent people to prove themselves "man-enough" to fit in the street life. And yes it is easy to say we have systems in place to provide help for America. There is money and programs easily available, all they have to do is get the help....ok for the most part I am an optimist; but when the streets have become their home and this is all they know, we must take the help to them. Why aren't there Feed the Children advertisements for America? Why aren't there pictures of small American children with extended bellies and a celebrity asking America to "donate $90/year for food, clothing, shelter, and medical care"? This may sound selfish but somehow I don't think so. America's children are just as important! They are the foundation that America will stand on in the future. It is good to help those in need but I say help all those in need....I am only one person, but I am a start...
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Ode to Mom
So she did it yall!!! She completed 13 miles in less than 4 hours and her girls were there to meet her with her medal. Wow!! This is some accomplishment!! She shed a few tears...mostly out of relief I'm sure.
Now everyone is hot, tired, and stinky. Guess we'll all take showers, naps and then meet back at my parent's place for the cookout. Its about to be some good eating yall!! I'll holla!!
P.S. We took lots of pics. I'll have to post later since I'm doing this from my "crackberry"
Now everyone is hot, tired, and stinky. Guess we'll all take showers, naps and then meet back at my parent's place for the cookout. Its about to be some good eating yall!! I'll holla!!
P.S. We took lots of pics. I'll have to post later since I'm doing this from my "crackberry"
Marathon 2009
So mom's is doing the marathon. She texted me about 30m ago and had completed 3 miles!!. She is on a roll!!! she just texted and said she's going into mile 7
Friday, June 12, 2009
Last Night
So my boyz lost last night....and I woke up with a hangover this morning from all the pain meds I took last night to find Haylee standing in her bed holding onto the rails trying to get my attention. TGIF!!!!
Back to Orlando, there's always Sunday. I think they were really tired in the 2nd half and didn't expect the Lakers to come out like someone shot them from out of a cannon gun....literally!!
My big baby comes home today! I have a really good situation with his dad. He gets him on tues/thurs AND every other weekend. And where normally this would be his weekend, I'm getting him so they can spend time together next weekend...Father's Day!!
Back to Orlando, there's always Sunday. I think they were really tired in the 2nd half and didn't expect the Lakers to come out like someone shot them from out of a cannon gun....literally!!
My big baby comes home today! I have a really good situation with his dad. He gets him on tues/thurs AND every other weekend. And where normally this would be his weekend, I'm getting him so they can spend time together next weekend...Father's Day!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Game 4
So they lost. Pretty close game but no cigar. The best part is...I didn't wake Haylee up. Have a good night yall!!
Pillow Fight
So I wore the lil angel out....I won the pillow fight (pic to come later) and now I'm watching the game. Orlando is currently up by 12pts and I am once again screaming whispers at the tv to keep her from waking up. I would get up but I'm telling you she can smell me in her sleep and if I move, she will wake up. Aight, time out over, 1st half is almost over. Looks like Orlando has completely dominated this half. Let's hope they can keep it up!!!
Wisdom Teeth vs. NBA Finals
Okay, okay!! I went to work today. A full day since the extraction and I have a terrible headache right now. So I am working with two options....go home take some pain meds and crash and fight through the pain to cheer Orlando to another victory.....STAY TUNED FOR MORE!!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
At Home Again
So I am at home again because of these darned teeth--which by the way are no longer in my mouth!!! The left side of my face won't stop swelling and I feel a knot. Maybe I should go see the oral surgeon again....o wait!! He's the reason I'm like this in the 1st place.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
OMG!! OMG!!!
Okay okay, everyone always says it's not over til the fat lady sings....well I sure hope she's ready!!! ORL leads by 4 with 24 seconds left to play. And Orlando wins 3rd game in series. 108-104!!!!!! We are back in the game baby!!!
LAL vs Orlando
So I'm sitting here trying not to wake up the angels but Orlando is soooooo close to winning tonight. Guess you can tell I'm a Magic fan!! There's only a minute six left in the game and ORL is leading by three!!!
Not Again
So I skipped my happy go lucky self into work today...not really...more like dragged myself into work today (pain and all) only leave at 1:00p. Not only was the pain excruciating but my face began to swell up again!!! OMG!!! I looked like a pumpkin by the face. I dare not take any pictures, less you find my misery anymore humorous!! I am taking 2 ibuprofen and calling it a night. Cya tomorrow
Monday, June 8, 2009
Marathon Makeover 2009

My mom will probably kill me for this (not really) but since she doesnt like having her picture taken, she just might. Mom recently decided that she wanted to participate in a marathon. I think everyone thought she was a lil crazy at first--especially since she's not a very active person. But this is a tribute to MOM!!. She is at the halfway point and will marathon 13.1 miles this Saturday!!! WAY TO GO MOM!!! I get tired from walking the stairs in my townhouse, there is no way I could do this!! We are having a cook out Saturday afternoon to celebrate her accomplishment. And she goes for 26miles in October. Now that's a real supermom!!!
Wisdom Teeth
Have you ever wondered what the purpose of wisdom teeth are?? I had all four of mine extracted on Friday morning and my face is still swollen, my jaw bone still hurts, and I can't open my mouth wide enough to eat a baked potato. Please help me understand the wisdom in that???!!!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I woke up this morning and looked at my daughter who was sleeping like an angel....and I thought to myself, I am so in love!!
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